Dr. Michael Cordonnier raised his Brazilian soybean crop estimate one million mts to 171 million due to “surprising harvest progress in central Brazil last week and the anticipation of another good harvest week this week.”
Alê Delara is an agronomist and farmer in the Brazilian state of Paraná in Southern Brazil. Yesterday he said, “Here come the beans! We will probably have the highest productivity here on the farm since we started with soybeans.”
Kory Melby is the Minnesota farmer who immigrated to Brazil 25 years ago and established a consulting business about everything related to agriculture. Some of his comments yesterday:
"Campo Verde is 70% harvested with weekend rains too. A friend in Lucas says they are 60% done and need a sunny week to finish. He will plant corn for another week and stop. Others will continue because seed and fertilizer are bought- keep going.
I have seen photos of 30 day old corn in northern MT (Mato Grosso) that is 3-4 feet tall- beautiful. Of course, many others are trying to plant when they can. Many spots in MT have received 1500 mm or 60 inches of rain during the growing season- plenty for soy. Lucas avg rainfall is 1800 mm for a season.