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Tidbits, Q&A: Fuel & UAN, Farm Bill 12/23/24

Writer's picture: Wright teamWright team


The grain markets will close at 12:05 PM CT this week Tuesday, December 24th.

The markets will be closed all day on Wednesday, December 25th.

They will open back up on Thursday at 8:30 AM CT, December 26th.

The U.S. government pushed through a funding bill at the last minute, President Biden signed it on Saturday, putting off the next fight over the debt ceiling until March, when it will become a problem for President-elect Trump.


The bill included a one-year extension of the 2018 Farm Bill and $10 billion in economic relief payments. Farmers will be provided direct payments per acre of crops grown in 2024, with a cap limitation. Here is a summary by FarmJournal:

Notably, a formal support for higher ethanol blends was excluded. Also, the package allocated $100 billion in disaster aid for this year's hurricane devastation.


Q&A: Fuel & UAN

Question from Duane:

"Should we be looking to book spring fuel needs shortly? Traditionally February has been a good time for spring fill. Looking further into the season thinking it may be a good time book 28% also."

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