AGRural lowered Brazil soybean production estimate by 9 million to 150.1 mil mts.
Dr. Michael Cordonnier:
Lowered Brazil soybean estimate by 2 mil to 149 mil mts (USDA at 157).
Lowered Brazil corn estimate by 2 mil to 115 mil mts (USDA at 127).
Increased Argentine soybean estimate by 2 mil to 52 million mts.
Increased Argentine corn estimate by 3 mil to 56 million mts.
Farmers’ protests continue in Germany blocking highways and accumulating in Berlin. Demand is to revert the government decision to phase out a tax break on agricultural diesel.
By 2040, the number of farms in Germany will more than halve to roughly 100,000. Small farms are being given up and production is moving to ever larger farms.
German agricultural analyst Dr. Olaf Zinke commented on a recent study by DZ Bank: "The further transformation of agricultural enterprises into cost-effective, digital companies that also meet increasing environmental and animal welfare requirements will require a large amount of investment that small farms in Germany do not have, according to the experts at DZ Bank.”