Mark has a friend near Oto in Woodbury County, Iowa who has cut two fields of beans. The first was 15 bu/ac, the second field 35 bu/ac.
The war continues to escalate.
Between January and July 2023, the United States increased purchases of fertilizers from Russia to a record US$944 million according to RIA Novosti using US Statistical Service numbers. Russia became #2 fertilizer supplier to the United States. The value of Russian fertilizer imports to the USA this year is running 5% more than 2022.
Tonnage wise, in the first half of 2021, Russia accounted for 15% of US fertilizer imports. In 2022 (when the war started February 24), the figure was 19% in 2022 and 20% so far in 2023. The USA is especially big buyers of Russian potash.