Yesterday’s Cattle on Feed numbers as a percent of a year ago:
On Feed: 100.9% expected, actual 101%
Placements: 106.2% expected, actual 110%
Fed Marketings: 103.9% expected, actual 103%
Yesterday’s USDA Chickens and Eggs Report (% compared to a year ago):
USA egg production in February was up 5% from last year from 1% fewer hens (377 million).
Egg-type Chicks Hatched Up 7%.
Egg-type eggs in incubators on March 1, 2024, up 5%.
Egg-type pullet chicks up 3%.
Broiler-type chicks hatched up 3%.
Broiler eggs in incubators up 1%.
Broiler-type pullet chicks for future domestic hatchery supply flocks up 6%.
It looks like USDA will have to increase corn and soybean meal for feed use before the marketing year ends.