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Highlights, Harvest Pace, Export Inspections, Markets & Rain Days Update 10/25/22

Harvest Report: Northeast Indiana:

"Good Morning Roger... thought I would share with you some of my corn pics to match up with your Vomi comments.

There is a total of 5 pics in what I just sent:

In my area it's pretty bad. I'm not willing to dry and store this knowing that the in the future months I am betting the merchandisers are going to really get more picky.

The place I am taking this too know is only doing a cumulative vomi check on random loads for the entire day and not just by customer and they are not docking for vomi yet.

I am getting hit with damage of 8-12%, which has a dock, of course.

I've taken off 3 fields so far ~126 acres and some of my hybrids are better than these pics but it's still there... white mold, jib, etc. I think the quality of the corn for this year’s crop is going to a huge challenge in some."

Thanks Jim.

From West Central Ohio:

"Roger, in all your many years, have you ever heard of someone spotting in wheat?"

No, never.

"Me either, but it happened today. The guy said he planted the wheat the first of October, got enough rain to sprout it. It has been hot and dry ever since and the wheat died in spots."

Thanks, Bob.



China reported economic growth of 3.9% for the third quarter, which was higher than analysts expected and is supportive for crude oil and soybean demand. But the third-quarter growth figure remains below the government’s target of 5.5%. None-the-less, it was a substantial improvement over the second quarter GDP growth of just 0.4%. President Xi has been confirmed for a third five-year term as China’s President.

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