As predicted, a cold front from the Pacific collided with a warm air mass east of the Andes Mountains in Argentina this weekend. It generated storms and rain over a large part of the central crop area of Argentina yesterday. The following locations are in northern Argentina. The amount of rain each received on New Year’s Day is stated in mm (25.4 mm = 1 inch):
Berrotaran 52 mm
Paso Cabral 52 mm
Río de los Sauces 56 mm
Lutti 53 mm
La Cruz 47 mm
Los Condores 50 mm
Almafuerte 42 mm
Rio 23 mm
Tancacha 31 mm
Las Peñas Sud 30 mm
Las Gamas 35 mm
Elena 54 mm
Gigena 34 mm
Deheza 27 mm
Rio 48 mm
This map is further south with rainfall amounts in inches.